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发表于 2015-1-9 12:59:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
第九篇                                     AnEssential Scientific Process

All life on the earth depends upon green plants.Using sunlight, the plants produce their own food. Then animals feed upon theplants. They take in the nutrients the plants have made and stored. But that’snot all. Sunlight also helps a plant produce oxygen. Some of the oxygen is usedby the plant, but a plant usually produces more oxygen than it uses. The excess oxygen is necessary for animalsand other organisms to live.

The process of changing light into food and oxygenis called photosynthesis. Besides light energy from the sun, plants also usewater and carbon dioxide. The water gets to the plant through its roots. Thecarbon dioxide enters the leaves through tiny openings called stomata. Thecarbon dioxide travels to chloroplasts, special cells in the bodies of greenplants. This is where photosynthesis takes place. Chloroplasts contain the chlorophyllsthat give plants their green color. The chlorophylls are the molecules thattrap light energy. The trapped light energy changes water and carbon dioxide toproduce oxygen and a simple sugar called glucose.
Carbon dioxide and oxygen move into and out of thestomata. Water vapor also moves out of the stomata. More than 90 percent ofwater a plant takes in through its roots escapes through the stomata. Duringthe daytime, the stomata of most plants are open. This allows carbon dioxide toenter the leaves for photosynthesis. As night falls, carbon dioxide is notneeded. The stomata of most plants close. Water loss stops.
If photosynthesis ceased, there would be littlefood or other organic matter on the earth. Most organisms would disappear. Theearth’s atmosphere would no longer contain oxygen. Photosynthesis is essentialfor life on our planet.

An Essential Scientific Process

1. All life on the earth depends upon green plants.


2. Using sunlight, the plants produce their ownfood.


3. Then animals feed upon the plants.


4. They take in the nutrients the plants have madeand stored.


5. But that's not all.


6. Sunlight also helps a plant produce oxygen.


7. Some of the oxygen is used by the plant,  but a plant usually produces more oxygen thanit uses.


8. The excess oxygen is necessary for animals andother organisms to live.


9. The process of changing light into food andoxygen is called photosynthesis.


10. Besides light energy from the sun, plants alsouse water and carbon dioxide.


11. The water gets to the plant through its roots.


12. The carbon dioxide enters the leaves throughtinyopeningscalled stomata.  


13. The carbon dioxide travels to chloroplastsspecial cells in the bodies of green plants.


14. This is where photosynthesis takes place.


15. Chloroplasts contain the chlorophylls that giveplants their green color.


16. The chlorophylls are the molecules that traplight energy.


17. The trapped light energy changes water andcarbon dioxide to produce oxygen and a simple sugar called glucose.


18. Carbon dioxide and oxygen move into and out ofthe stomata.


19. Water vapor also moves out of the stomata.


20. More than 90 percent of water a plant takes inthrough its roots escapes through the stomata.


21. During the daytime, the stomata of most plantsare open.


22. This allows carbon dioxide to enter the leavesfor photosynthesis.


23. As night falls, carbon dioxide is not needed.


24. The stomata of most plants close.


25. Water loss stops.


26. If photosynthesis ceased, there would be little(表否定) food or other organic matter onthe earth.


27. Mostorganisms would disappear.


28. The earth's atmosphere would no longer containoxygen.


29. Photosynthesis is essential for life on ourplanet.


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-1-9 13:05:33 | 只看该作者
第二十二篇                                      Real WorldRobots

When you think of a robot, do you envision a shiny,metallic device having the same general shape as a human being, performinghumanlike functions, and responding to your questions in a monotone voiceaccentuated by high-pitched tones and beeps? This is the way many of us imaginea robot, but in the real world, a robot is not humanoid at all. Instead a robotoften is a voiceless, box-shaped machine that efficiently carries outrepetitive or dangerous functions usually performed by humans. Today’s robot ismore than an automatic machine that performs one task again and again. A modernrobot is programmed with varying degrees of artificial intelligence—that is, arobot contains a computer program that tells it how to perform tasks associatedwith human intelligence, such as reasoning, drawing conclusions, and learningfrom past experience.

A robot does not possess a human shape for thesimple reason that a two-legged robot has great difficulty remaining balanced.A robot does, however, move from place to place on wheels and axles that rolland rotate. A robot even has limbs that swivel and move in combination withjoints and motors. To find its way in its surroundings1, a robotutilizes various built-in sensors. Antennae attached to the robot’s base detectanything they bump into. If the robot starts to teeter as it moves on anincline, a gyroscope or a pendulum inside it senses the vertical differential.To determine its distance from an object and how quickly it will reach theobjectthe robotbounces beams of laser light and ultrasonic sound waves off obstructions in itspath2. These and other sensors constantly feed information to thecomputer, which then analyzes the information and corrects or adjusts therobot’s actions. As science and technology advance, the robot too will progressin its functions and use of artificial-intelligence programs.

Real World Robots


1. When you think of a robot, do you envision ashiny, metallic device having the same general shape as a human being,performing humanlike functions, and responding to your questions in a monotonevoice accentuated by high-pitched tones and beeps.


2. This is the way many of us imagine a robot, butin the real world, a robot is not humanoid at all.


3. Instead a robot often is a voiceless, box-shapedmachine that efficiently carries out repetitive or dangerous functions usuallyperformed by humans.


4. Today’s robot is more than an automatic machinethat performs one task again and again.


5. A modern robot is programmed with varyingdegrees of artificial intelligencethat is, a robot 机器人 contains a computer program that tells it how to perform tasksassociated with humanintelligence, such as reasoning, drawing conclusions, and learning from pastexperience.


6. A robot does not possess a human shape for thesimple reason that a two-legged robot has great difficulty remaining balanced.


7. A robot does, however, move from place to placeon wheels and axles that roll and rotate.


8. A robot even has limbs that swivel and move incombination with joints andmotors.


9. To find its way in its surroundings, a robotutilizes various built-in sensors.


10. Antennae attached to the robot’s base detectanything they bump,撞 into.


11. If the robot starts to teeter as it moves on anincline, a gyroscope or a pendulum inside it senses the vertical differential.


12. To determine its distance from an object andhow quickly it will reach the object, the robot bounces beams of laser lightand ultrasonic sound waves off obstructions in its path.


13. These and other sensors constantly feedinformation to the computer, which then analyzes the information and corrects oradjusts the robot’s actions.


14. As science and technology advance, the robottoo will progress in its functions and use of artificial-intelligence programs.


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-1-9 13:16:59 | 只看该作者

第五篇 A Record-Breaking Rover

NASA’s Mars rover Opportunity has boldly gone where no rover has gone before—at least in terms of distance. Since arriving on the Red Planet in 2004, Opportunity has traveled 25.01 miles, more than any other wheeled vehicle has on another world.

On July 27, after years of moving about on Martian ground, the golf-cart-sized Opportunity had driven more than 24 miles, beating the previous record holder—a Soviet rover sent to the moon in 1973.

“This is so remarkable considering Opportunity was intended to drive about 1 kilometer and was never designed for distance,” says John Callas, the Mars Exploration Rover Project Manager.

He works at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. “But what is really importantly is not how many miles the rover has racked up, but how much exploration and discovery we have accomplished over that distance.”

The solar-powered Opportunity and its twin rover, Spirit, landed on Mars 10 years ago on a mission expected to last 3 months. The objective of the rovers was to help scientists learn more about the planet and to search for signs of life,such as the possible presence of water.

Spirit stopped communicating with Earth in March 2010, a few months after it got stuck in a sand pit. But Opportunity has continued to collect and analyze Martian soil and rocks.

During its mission, Opportunity has captured, and sent back to Earth, some 187,000 panoramic and microscopic images of Mars with its cameras. It has also provided scientists with data on the planet’s atmosphere, soil, rocks, and terrain.

The rover doesn’t seem to be ready to stop just yet. If Opportunity can continue on, it will reach another major investigation site when its odometer hits 26.2 miles. Scientists call this site Marathon Valley, because when the rover reaches the area, it will have traveled the same distance as the length of a marathon since its arrival on Mars.

Researchers believe that clay minerals exposed near Marathon Valley could hold clues to Mars’s ancient environment1. Opportunity’s continuing travels will also help researchers as they plan for an eventual human mission to the Red Planet.

A Record-Breaking Rover

1. NASA’s Mars rover Opportunity has boldly gone where no rover has gone before—at least in terms of… distance.

2. Since arriving on the Red Planet in 2004, Opportunity has traveled 25.01 miles, more than any other wheeled vehicle has on another world.

3. On July27, after… years of moving about on Martian ground, the golf-cart-sized Opportunity had driven more than 24 miles, beating the previous record holder—a Soviet rover sent to the moon in 1973.

4. “This is so remarkable considering Opportunity was intended to drive about 1 kilometer and was never designed for distance,” says John Callas, the Mars Exploration Rover Project Manager.

5. He works at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

6. “But what is really importantly is not how many miles the rover has racked up, but how much exploration and discovery we have accomplished over that distance.”

7. The solar-powered Opportunity and its twin rover, Spirit, landed on Mars 10 years ago that on… a mission expected to last 3 months.

8. The objective of the rovers was to help scientists learn more about the planet and to search for signs of life, such as the possible presence of water.

9. Spirit stopped communicating with Earth in March 2010, a few months after… it got stuck in… a sand pit.

10. But Opportunity has continued to collect and analyze Martian soil and rocks.

11. During… its mission, Opportunity has captured, and sent back to Earth, some 187,000 panoramic and microscopic images of Mars with its cameras.

12. It has also provided scientists with data on the planet’s atmosphere, soil, rocks, and terrain.

13. The rover doesn’t seem to be ready to stop just yet.

14. If Opportunity can continue on, it will reach another major investigation site when its odometer hits 26.2 miles.

15. Scientists call this site Marathon Valley, because when the rover reaches the area, it will have traveled the same distance as the length of a marathon since its arrival on Mars.

16. Researchers believe that clay minerals exposed near… Marathon Valley could hold clues to Mars’s ancient environment.

17. Opportunity’s continuing travels will also help researchers as theyplan for an eventual human mission to,到 the Red Planet.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-1-9 13:19:50 | 只看该作者
第九篇 Lightening Strikes

Three years ago a bolt of lightning all but destroyed Lyn Miller’s house in Aberdeen—with her two children inside. “There was a huge rainstorm,” she says, recalling the terrifying experience. “My brother and I were outside desperately working to stop floodwater from coming in the house. Suddenly I was thrown to the ground by an enormous bang. When I picked myself up, the roof and the entire upper storey of the house had been demolished. The door was blocked by rubble, but we forced our way in and found the children, thankfully unharmed. Later I was told to be struck by lightning is a chance in a million.” In fact, it’s calculated at one chance in 600,000. Even so, Dr Mark Keys of AER Technology, an organisation that monitors the effects of lightning, thinks you should be sensible. “I wouldn’t go out in a storm—but then I’m quite a careful person.” He advises anyone who is unlucky enough to be caught in a storm to get down on the ground and curl up into a ball, making yourself as small as possible.

Lightning is one of nature’s most awesome displays of sheer power. No wonder the ancient Greeks thought it was Zeus, father of the gods, throwing thunderbolts around in anger. 250 years ago, Benjamin Franklin, the American scientist and statesman,proved that lightning is a form of electricity, but scientists still lack a complete understanding of how it works.

Occasionally there are warning signs. Positive electrical charges streaming upwards from trees or church spires may glow and make a buzzing noise, and people’s hair can stand on end. And if you fear lightning, you’ll be glad to know that a company in America has manufactured a hand-held lightning detector which can detect it up to 70 kms away, sound a warning tone and monitor the storm’s approach.

Nancy Wilder was playing golf at a club in Surrey when she was hit by a bolt of lightning. Mrs Wilder’s heart stopped beating, but she was resuscitated and, after a few days in hospital, where she was treated for bums to her head, hands and feet, she was pronounced fit again. Since that time,she has been a strictly fair weather golfer1. In fact, a golf course is one of the most dangerous places to be during a thunderstorm. The best place to be is inside a car!

The largest number of people to be struck by lightning at one time was in September 1995 when 17 players on a football pitch were hit simultaneously. The most extraordinary aspect of the strike was the fact that 11 of the victims—seven adults and four children—had burn patterns of tiny holes at 3 centimetre intervals on each toe and around the soles of their feet.

Harold Deal, a retired electrician from South Carolina, USA, was struck by lightning 26 years ago. He was apparently unhurt, but it later emerged that the strike had damaged the part of the brain which controls the sensation of temperature. Since then the freezing South Carolina winters haven’t bothered Harold, since he is completely unable to feel the cold.

Animals are victims of lightning too2.Hundreds of cows and sheep are killed every year, largely because they go under trees. In East Anglia in 1918, 504 sheep were killed instantaneously by the same bolt of lightning that hit the ground and travelled through the entire flock. Lightning is also responsible for starting more than 10,000 forest fires each year world-wide.

Lightning Strikes


1. Three years ago a bolt of lightning all but destroyed Lyn Miller’s house in Aberdeen—with her two children inside.


2. “There was a huge rainstorm,” she says, recalling the terrifying experience.


3. My brother and I我 were outside desperately working to stop floodwater from coming in the house.


4. Suddenly I我 was thrown to the ground by an enormous bang.


5. When I我 picked myself up, the roof and the entire upper storey of the house had been demolished.


6. The door was blocked by rubble, but we forced our way in and found the children, thankfully unharmed.


7. Later I我 was told to be struck by lightning is a chance in a million.


8. In fact, it’s calculated at one chance in… 600,000.


9. Even so, Dr Mark Keysof AER Technology, an organisation that monitors the effects of lightning, thinks you should be sensible.


10. I我 wouldn’t go out in a storm—but then I’m quite a carefulperson.


11. He advises anyone who is unlucky enough to be caught in a storm to get down on… the ground and curl up into a ball, making yourself as...as possible small.


12. Lightning is one of… nature’s most awesome displays of sheer power.


13. No wonder the ancient Greeks thought it(闪电) was Zeus, father of the gods, throwing thunderbolts around… in anger.


14. 250 years ago, Benjamin Franklin•富兰克林, the American scientist and statesman, proved that lightning is a form of electricity, but scientists still lack a complete understanding of how it works.


15. Occasionally there are warning signs.


16. Positive electrical charges streaming upwards from trees or church spires may glow and make a buzzing noise, and people’s hair can stand on end.


17. And if you fear lightning, you’ll be glad to know that acompany in America has manufactured a hand-held lightning detector which can detect it up to 70 kms away, sound a warning tone and monitor the storm’s approach.


18. Nancy Wilder was playing golf at a club in Surrey when she was hit by a bolt of lightning.


19. Mrs Wilder’s heart stopped beating, but she was resuscitated and, after… a few days in hospital, where she was treated for burns to her head, hands and feet, she was pronounced fit again.


20. Since that time, she has been a strictly fair weather golfer.


21. In fact, a golf course isone of… the most dangerous places to be(地方) during… a thunderstorm.


22. The best place to be(地方) is inside… a car!


23. The largest number of people to be struck by lightning at one time was in September 1995 when 17 players on a football pitch were hit simultaneously.


24. The most extraordinary aspect of the strike was the fact that 11 of the victims—seven adults and four children—had burn patterns of tiny holes at,达 3 centimetre intervals on each toe and around… the soles of their feet.


25. Harold Deal, a retired electrician from South Carolina, USA美国, was struck by lightning 26 years ago.


26. He was apparently unhurt, but it later emerged that the strike had damaged the part of the brain which controls the sensation,感觉 of temperature.


27. Since then the freezing South Carolinawinters haven’t bothered… Harold, since he is completely unable to feel the cold.


28. Animals are victims of lightning too.


29. Hundreds of cows and sheep are killed every year, largely because they go under… trees.


30. In East Anglia in 1918, 504 sheep were killed instantaneously by the same bolt of lightning that hit the ground and travelled through the entire flock.


31. Lightning is also responsible for… starting more than 10,000 forest fires each year world-wide.


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-1-9 13:28:29 | 只看该作者
第十三篇 Affectionate Androids

Computers are now powerful enough to allow the age of humanoid robots to dawn1. And it won’t be long before we will see realistic cyber companions, complete with skin, dexterity, and intelligence. They will be programmed to tend to your every need.

Will we ever want to marry robots? Artificial intelligence researcher David Levy has published a book claiming human-robot relationships will become popular in the next few decades. And if you want to go ahead and tie the knot with your special electronic friend, Levy said that such marriages will be socially acceptable by around 2050.

Will humans really be able to form deep emotional attachments to machines? It will, in fact, be relatively easy to form these strong attachments because the human mind loves to anthropomorphize: to give human attributes to other creatures—even objects.

For example, researchers in San Diego recently put a small humanoid robot in with a toddler playgroup for several months. The bot knew each child because it was programmed with face and voice recognition,and it giggled when tickled. The children ended up treating it as a fellow toddler. When it lay down because its batteries were flat,the kids even covered it with a blanket.

In a few decades, when humanoid robots with plastic skin look and feel very real, will people want to form relationships with them? What if the bots could hold a conversation? And be programmed to be the perfect companions—soul mates, even? Maybe your generation could resist, but eventually there will be a generation of people who grow up with humanoid robots as a normal part of life. And like those toddlers in the experiment, they will be very accepting of them.

The next question, then, is whether there is anything wrong with having an emotional relationship with a machine. Even today there are people who form deep attachments to their pets and use them as substitutes for friends or even children. Few consider that unethical.

But a sophisticated robot will probably be even more attractive. For those who always seem to end up marrying the wrong man or woman, a robotic Mr. or Ms. Right could be mighty tempting. As the father of artificial intelligence, Marvin Minsky, put it when asked about the ethics of lonely older people forming close relationships with robots: “If a robot had all the virtues of a person and was smarter and more understanding, why would the elderly bother talking to other grumpy old people?”

A robot could be programmed to be as dumb or smart, as independent or subservient, as an owner desired. And that’s the big disadvantage. Having the perfect robot partner will damage the ability to form equally deep human-human relationships. People will always seem imperfect in comparison. When you’re behaving badly, a good friend will tell you. However, few owners will program their robots to point out their flaws.

People in relationships have to learn to adapt to each other: to enjoy their common interests and to deal with their differences. It makes us richer, stronger, and wiser. A robot companion will be perfect at the start. However, there will be nothing to move the relationship to grow to greater heights.

Affectionate Androids

1. Computers are now powerful enough to allow  the age of  humanoid robots to dawn.

2. And it won’t be long  before  we will see realistic cyber companions, complete with  skin, dexterity, and  intelligence.

3. They will  be programmed  totend to your every need.

4. Will we ever want to marry robots?机器人?

5. Artificial intelligence researcher David Levy•莱维  has published a bookclaiminghuman-robot relationships will become popularin... the next few decades.

6. And if you want to go ahead and tie the knot with your specialelectronic friend,朋友 Levy said that such marriages will be  socially acceptable by around 2050.2050年

7. Will humans really be able to to form deep emotional attachments to machines?机器人

8. It will, in fact, be relatively easy to form these strong attachments because the human mind loves to anthropomorphize: to give human  attributes to other creatures — even objects.

9. For example, researchers in San Diego recently put a small humanoid  robot in with a toddler playgroup for several months .

10. The bot knew each child  because it was programmed with face and voice recognition, and  it giggled when  tickled.

11. The children ended up treating it as a fellow toddler.

12. When it lay down because  its batteries were flat, the kids even covered it with a blanket .

13.In a few decades when  humanoid robots with plastic skin look and feel very  real,will  people want to form relationships  with them?它们
参考译文:几十年之后,当人形机器人有着类似人类的皮肤,并且看上去和摸上去都非常像真人的时候, 人们会不会想和它们发展深入的关系呢?

14. What if the bots could hold a conversation? And be programmed to be the perfect companions — soul mates, even?

15. Maybe your generation could  resist, but eventually  there will be a generation of people who  grow up with  humanoid robots as a normal part of life

16. And like those toddlers  in the experiment, they will be very accepting of them .

17. The next question, then, is  whether there is anything wrong with having an emotional relationship with a machine.

18. Even today there are people who form deep attachments to their pets and use them as a substitutes for  friends or to even children.

19. Few consider that unethical.

20. Buta sophisticated robot will probably be even more attractive.

21. For those who always seem to end up marrying wrong man or woman,arobotic  Mr. or  Ms. Right could be  mighty tempting.

22. As the father of artificial intelligence, Marvin Minsky, put it when asked about the ethics of lonely older  people forming  close relationships with robots:机器人 “If a robothad all the virtues of  a person and was smarter and more  understanding,why  would the elderly brother talking to other grumpy old people?”

22. A robot could be programmed to  be as dumb or smart, as independent orsubservient , as an owner desired .

23. And that’s the big disadvantage.

24. Having the perfect robot partner  will damage the ability to form equally deep human-human relationships.

25. People will always seem  imperfect in comparison.

26.When you’re behaving badly,a good friend will tell you.

27. However few owners will  program their robots to point out their flaws.

28. People in relationships have to learn to  adapt to each other:互相 to enjoy their common interests and to deal with 处理their  differences.

29. It makes us richer  stronger and wiser.

30. A robot companion will be  perfect at the start.

31. However, there will be nothing move the relationship to  grow greater heights.

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