还有十天时间,2015考研即将开始。此时此刻,就考研英语来说,最能提分的就是大小作文。总共30分,每个人都想尽可能拿到高分。时间有限,我们必须抓重点。考研英语大作文是重中之重。在此分享2015考研英语大作文三大话题预测,希望能帮助大家更好的复习! 1.考研英语大作文在写作时,一定要做好段落布局,具体如下: 第一段:描述图片+引入主题 第二段:现状/讨论/原因 第三段:个人对策 2.考研英语大作文重点预测 话题一:奋斗精神 Simpe as it is , what the picture conveys to us is that, if someone wants to acquire more cahievements in the future,he must conquer/fight for something with the striving spirit and the determined spirit/team spirit/independence spirit/keep vigorous mentality. Something:difficulties/negative mindset/retain independence spirit and keep vigorous mentality/the fair environment. 话题二:承担责任 Simpe as it is , what the picture conveys to us is that, if we want to acquire more achievements in the future, we must undertake the obligation to something and pay our attention to something/take action to do something. Something:earth/protecting our environment/himself and keep the striving spirit/the family and pay your attention to taking care of our elders/the society and the others/to saving resource and proctedting the environment/to family and communicate with others more effectively. 话题三:传统文化 Simpe as it is , what the picture conveys to us is that if we want to absorb the essence of foreign cultures and resist the dark side,in the first place,we should preserve and cherish our traditional culture. Simpe as it is , what the picture conveys,as a reminder,to us is that... 注:文中something处可以替换。 看到这里,同学们应该知道,以上三个大作文预测话题绝对是接下来英语作文的复习重点。围绕这三个话题,按照大作文段落布局模式,大家就要准备相应的词汇、短语和句子等。最重要是能牢记背诵,最好达到脱口而出的程度。到了考场上,作文一定要在规定时间内快速完成,不要想太多,写到答题卡上才算数。还有一点,大作文一般写完留下4或5行即可,不要把答题卡写完,适当的留白会让卷面看上去整洁美观。