
标题: 2015年职称英语考试:卫生类英语语法汇总精讲帖 [打印本页]

作者: loveyunfei365    时间: 2014-12-13 12:28
标题: 2015年职称英语考试:卫生类英语语法汇总精讲帖


  (1) 由名词、代词(人称代词要用宾格)、不定式、动名词、(宾语)从句充当,表示动作的承受者是“谁”或者是“何物”。如: The angel also came to Joseph and told him the same thing.(那个天使同样来到约瑟夫面前并且告诉他同样的事情。)(代词和名词充当两个宾语) / He told me that the company could not afford to pay him so much money.(他告诉我说公司付不起他那么多的钱。)(不定式作宾语) / They enjoy watching football games so much that they often forget their lessons.(他们如此喜爱看足球以至于常常忘记了他们的功课。)(动名词作宾语) / I think to be a children’s doctor is very rewarding.(我认为当个儿童医生是很值得的。)(从句作宾语)

  (2) 只有及物动词或介词才有宾语,不及物动词没有宾语,如果涉及到事物,则必须在不及物动词后面加合适的介词。Listen to the radio.(listen不是及物动词,故加to。) / Can you hear anything exciting?(你能听到什么令人兴奋的消息吗?)

  (3) 宾语一般放在及物动词或介词的后面,但是在疑问句中,如果宾语是疑问词,则宾语要放在句首。介词的宾语如果是疑问词,则可以放在介词后或句首。如:What did he see?(他看见了什么?) / What does he write a letter with?(他用什么写的信?) / With what does he write a letter?(他用什么写的信?)

  (4)“动词+副词+宾语”结构中,如果宾语是代词,则代词必须放在“动”“副”之间。如:Please put the shoes away.(请把鞋子收起来。) / Please put away the shoes.(请把鞋子收起来。) / Please put them away.(请把它们收起来。)

  (5) 动词后面跟双宾语时可以采用两种结构:

  ①动词+间接宾语(人)+直接宾语(物)。如:He often gives me some help.(他常常帮我。)

  ②动词+直接宾语+介词+间接宾语。注意,一般情况介词用to,但动词是make,buy,borrow时,介词用for.如:Please make me a kite.(请给我做个风筝。)或Please make a kite for me.

  (6) 在“动词+宾语+宾补”结构中,如果宾语是不定式、动名词、宾语从句,则常用it做形式宾语,而将实际的宾语移到补语后面去。如:I found the job rather difficult.(我发觉这个工作相当难做。) / I found it rather difficult to do the job.

作者: loveyunfei365    时间: 2014-12-13 12:29
  (1)说明主语的身份、性质、状况等含义的成分,通常由形容词、副词、介词短语、名词、代词等充当。如:He became a doctor after he left high school.(高中毕业他当上了医生。) / The rubber wheels are over there.(橡胶轮子在那边。)/ He does not feel like eating anything today because he has caught a bad cold.(他今天不想吃任何东西因为他得了重感冒。) / Who is it?(谁呀?)
  (2)表语只能放在连系动词(如:be,look,become,turn get,grow,feel,seem)之后,对表语进行提问的句子除外。
  (3)代词做表语一般用主格,口语中常用宾。如:It's I.(It's me.)是我。
  (4)只能作表语的形容词有:sorry,afraid,alone,asleep,awake,ill,well,sure,interested等等。He was terribly sorry for his carelessness.(他很为他的粗心而歉疚。)/Please make no noise here; the baby is asleep.(请不要发出响动,婴儿正熟睡呢。)/ I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!(我只是对独坐孤舟无所事事感兴趣。)/I am not alone in thinking so.(并非只有我才这样想的。)
作者: loveyunfei365    时间: 2014-12-13 12:30
  (1)说明动作“何时”、“何地”、“如何”发生,或者说明形容词或副词的程度,一般由副词、介词短语、不定式、状语从句等充当。如:I was not born yesterday.(我又不是昨天才出世的娃娃。)/For many of these families a college education was something new.(对其中的许多家庭来说,大学教育是件新事物。)/He woke up to find his house on fire.(他醒来发现房子着火了。)/You cannot leave until your work is finished.(在你的工作被完成以前你不能离开)
  (2)多个状语相连时,一般先单词、后短语,先地点、后时间,先小概念、后大概念。如:He went ouf of the room at a quarter to 23:00 last night and then disappeared into the dark.(他昨夜22点3刻从房间里出来,然后消失在黑暗之中。)
作者: loveyunfei365    时间: 2014-12-13 12:30
  1、 补充说明宾语的动作、状态的成分为宾语补足语,常由名词、形容词、动词非谓语形式(不定式、现在分词、过去分词等)、介词短语等充当。
  如:Call him Jim, please. 请叫他Jim。
  I tried my best to make him happy.我竭尽所能让他开心。
  Ask her to come to dinner tomorrow. 请他明天来。
  He let the smaller animals bring food to him. 他让小动物们给他带食物来。
  如:Let him in, I tell you! 我跟你说,让他进来!
  Please put it away. 请把它收起来。

作者: loveyunfei365    时间: 2014-12-13 12:31
  1.祈使句。祈使句后一般加上will you或won't you构成反义疑问句,用will you多表示“请求”,用won't you多表示提醒对方注意。例如:
  let引导的祈使句有两种情况:①let's---,后的反义疑问句用shall we或shan't we。如:Let's go home, shan't we? 回家吧,好吗?②let us/me--- 后的反义疑问句用will you或won't you。如:let me have a try, won't you?
  其他祈使句都用will you或won't you回答。
  2.反意疑问句的陈述部分含有由un-, im-, in-, dis-, 等否定意义的前缀构成的词语时,陈述部分要视为肯定含义,问句部分用否定形式。①Your father is unhappy, isn't he? 不能用is he?②The man is dishonest, isn't he? 不能用is he?③It is impossible to learn English without remembering more words, isn't it?不能用is it ?
  3.反意疑问句的陈述部分带有little, few, never, hardly, seldom,not,no,nobody,nothing, none, neither等否定意义的词时,问句部分用肯定式。如:①She never tells a lie, does she? 不用doesn't she?②He was seldom late, was he?不用wasn't he?
作者: loveyunfei365    时间: 2014-12-13 12:31
      1.陈述部分的主语为不定代词 somebody(someone),anybody(anyone),nobody(no one),everybody(everyone),no,none,neither时,问句部分的主语用he或 they(通常用they),这时问句动词的数应和he或 they一致。如:①Someone has taken the seat,hasn't he?
  ②Everyone has done his best in the game,haven't they?
  2.陈述部分为Let me……时,问句部分习惯上用shall I? 或will you?形式。如:Let me have a try,shall I?(will you?)
  3.陈述部分为Let us……时,问句部分习惯上用will you?形式。如:Let us stop to rest,will you?
  4.陈述部分为Let's……时,问句部分习惯上用shall we?形式。如:Let's go home together,shall we?
  5.陈述部分用上述情况以外的祈使句时,问句部分一般用will you?形式表示请求,用won't you?形式表示委婉请求或邀请(即两种情况都可出现,不必遵循前否后肯或前肯后否的原则)。如:①Do sit down,won't you?/ will you? ②You feed the bird today,will you? ③Please open the window,will you?(won't you?)
  6.陈述部分为否定祈使句时,问句部分一般用will you?形式。如:Don't make any noise,will you?
  7.陈述部分为There (Here) + be + 主语时,问句部分用be+there(here)?形式。如:①There are two cakes on the plate,aren't there?
  Here is a story about Mark Twain,isn't here?
作者: loveyunfei365    时间: 2014-12-13 12:32
     1.反意疑问句的陈述部分为I am……时,问句部分虽然也可用“am not I”,但习惯上用aren't I?表示。如:I am a very honest man,aren't I?
  2.反意疑问句的陈述部分为I(We)第一人称 think(believe,suppose,consider) + that从句时,问句部分的动词及主语与that从句内的动词和主语保持一致。如:①I think that he has done his best,hasn't he?②We think that English is very useful,isn't it? (不用don't we?)
  3.反意疑问句的陈述部分为I(We) don't think(believe,suppose,consider)+ that从句时,从句为否定意义,问句部分的动词和主语仍与that从句保持一致且用肯定式。如:①I don't think that you can do it,can you? (不用do I?)②We don't believe that the news is true,is it? (不用do we?)
  4.反意疑问句的陈述部分为非第一人称主语+ think(believe,suppose,consider) + that从句时,问句部分的动词和主语与陈述部分的主句动词和主语保持一致。如:①They all think that English is very important,don't they? (不用isn't it?)②He didn't think that the news was true,did he? (不用wasn't/ was it?)
  5.反意疑问句的陈述部分为主语+said( told,reported,asked……) + that从句时,问句部分的动词和主语与陈述部分的主句动词和主语保持一致。如:①They said that you had finished your work,didn't they? (不用hadn't you)②Kate told you that she would go there,didn't she? (不用wouldn't she?)9.陈述部分的主语为不定代词something,anything,nothing,everything时,问句部分的主语用it。如:①Something is wrong with the computer,isn't it?
  ②Nothing has happened to them,has it?
作者: loveyunfei365    时间: 2014-12-13 12:32
   1.陈述部分用had better +原形动词表示建议时,问句部分用hadn't +主语形式。
  ①You'd better tell him about the matter,hadn't you?
  ②We had better do it by ourselves,hadn't we?
  2.陈述部分用used to +主语时,问句部分用didn't + 主语?或usedn't +主语形式。
  ①He used to live in the country,didn't he?/usedn't he?
  ②They used to be good friends,didn't they?/usedn't they?
  3.陈述部分用must(may,might) + have + V-ed表示推测时,若句中带有明显的过去时间的状语,问句部分动词用过去时形式。如:
  ①He might have forgotten his pen in the classroom yesterday,didn't he?(不用mightn't he?/hasn't he?)
  ②You must have got up late this morning,didn't you?(不用mustn't you?/haven't you?)
  4.陈述部分用must(may,might) + have + V-ed表示推测时,若句中没有带明显的过去时间的状语,问句部分动词用现在完成时形式。如:
  ①Everyone must have known the death of the waitress,haven't they? (不用mustn't they?)
  ②You must have worked there a year ago,didn't you?(不用mustn't you?/ haven't you?)
  ①What he said is true,isn't it? (不用didn't he?)
  ②Where we will build the dam has not been decided yet,has it? (不用won't we?)
  ①To do one good deed is easy for a person,isn't it?
  ②Skating is your favorite sport,isn't it?
  7.陈述部分的主语是不定代词one,反义疑问句的主语可以用one,也可以用you。如:One should be ready to help others,shuldn't one?

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